All posts by: ju5d4l92Admin


The Museum holds a collection of audiovisual records about the delocation process of the community, all stages of the transferral having been registered by a team under Catarina Mourão and Catarina Alves Costa. This, however, is an expanding collection aimed at promoting a continuous record of intangible heritages and of social memory. It calls on […]


The ethnographic collection, in the region of 1500 items, includes work utensils and machines, as well as everyday objects. Although originating from a precise territory — the village of Luz — these pieces may be taken to represent a regional reality. The heritage value of these artifacts is exemplary, as they bring to mind portraits […]


The museum is also home to the civil parish of Luz’s archaeological collection, assembled from excavations between 1998 and 2003, in the framework of ‘Plano de Minimização de Impactes Patrimoniais de Alqueva’. This collection is representative of the occupation through time of this riverside territory, including important sites from prehistory to the modern age. Worth […]

Archeology and the New Water Lands

Those who visit Alentejo today are faced with profound changes, as a result of the dynamics introduced by the Alqueva Project.EDIA, as an entity whose objective is to conceive, carry out, build, explore and promote the Alqueva Multiple Finals Project, has been protecting that all stages are implemented in a sustainable manner and with respect […]