All posts by: ju5d4l92Admin

Your Pot

Escolas do Agrupamento Escolar de Mourão – Março 2023 The Museu da Luz was present in the grouping of schools in Mourão, with the activity “Your pot”. This is a workshop aimed at children up to 12 years old, wich has as its objective the creation of a a ceramic object in clay subsequently the […]

Geometries Of Silence – Nuno Moreira

Nuno Moreira, s/l: EDIA/Museu da Luz, 2018 “This catalogue has been published on the occasion of the exhibition GEOMETRIES OF SILENCE by NUNO MOREIRA on Museu da Luz (Aldeia da Luz), Mourão, a monograph with thirteen photographs captured on medium format film, of which 3 were printed with 150×200 cm and five with 23×23 cm, all exhibited […]

Guadiana 86-14 – Duarte Belo

Duarte Belo, Beja: EDIA/Museu da Luz, 2014ISBN 978-972-8666-19-4 “Guadiana 86-14” is made of records of several trips – between 1986 and 2014 – taken by photographer Duarte Belo to the River Guadiana region and is a journey through space and time to a landscape transformed over the past 28 years.With photography and texts by the […]

Ser E Devir / Being And Becoming Virgílio Ferreira

Virgílio Ferreira (coord., photography)Texts by Tim Clark, Álvaro Domingues, Pedro Leão Neto, Virgílio PereiraTranslation by Ana Álvares and Luís Filipe CostaDesign by Ne Santelmo, Maria Neto, Jorge FerreiraPorto: Scopio Projects, 2014ISBN 978-989-97699-4-6 Bilingual ca talogue of the exhibition, coordinated by the photographer Virgílio Ferreira with funding from the national General Directorate of Arts and supported by […]

Nature Laughs at Culture

Maria do Mar Fazenda and Maria João Lança (coord.)Translation by João André AbreuPhotographs by Catarina BotelhoDesign by VivoeusébioLisboa: Museu da Luz/EDIA, 2013ISBN 978-972-8666-15-6 Bilingual guide for the exhibition, coordinated by curator Maria do Mar Fazenda with Inês Botelho, Mattia Denisse, Susana Gaudêncio, Ramiro Guerreiro, Mário Moura, João Nicolau, Gustavo Sumpta.

No Return – Sebastião Resende

Sebastião Resende, Beja: EDIA, S.A./ Museu da Luz, 2012 Bilingual catalogue published on occasion of the exhibition ‘Sem Retorno/No Return’ by Sebastião Resende.

Earth – Nuno Cera

Nuno Cera> EARTH Transition Territories#10 , Luís Serpa (ed.), João Pinharanda (text), Lisbon: The Temporary Museum – EDIA, S.A., 2010 Catalogue of the photography exhibition by Nuno Cera ‘TERRA / LAND’, with texts by João Pinharanda.

Portrait(s) Of Aldeia Da Luz – Eurico Lino Do Vale

Eurico Lino do Vale> Portrait(s) of Aldeia da Luz Transition Territories#09, Luís Serpa (ed.), Lisbon: The Temporary Museum – EDIA, S.A., 2009 Catalogue of the photography exhibition by Eurico Lino do Vale ‘Retrato(s) da Aldeia da Luz’ / Portrait(s) of Luz village’.