All posts by: ju5d4l92Admin

Luís Campos > Works 1982_2008

Luís Campos> Photography and Video Works, 1982_2008 , Luís Serpa (ed.), Lisbon: The Temporary Museum, 2008 Catalogue of the temporary exhibition of photography by Luís Campos.

Earth to three

António Cunha, Jorge Humberto e Martinho Marques, Beja : Edia / Museu da Luz, 2019ISBN 978-972-8666-22-4 This is the catalog of the temporary exhibition with the same name on display at the Museum of light village in 2019, which seeks to show the territory of Alqueva through different artistic aspects.Photography through the vision of António Cunha. Poetry […]

Alqueva Landscape As Theme – Department of Architecture University of Évora

Students of the 4th and 5th years of the MSc in Achitecture 2012/2013 (authors)Filipe Themudo Barata, João Gomes da Silva, João Rocha, Maria João Lança, Pedro Oliveira, Pedro Pacheco, Rui Mendes, Sofia Salema (texts)Évora: DA-UE, 2015ISBN 978-989-95669-8-9 After the edition of an exhibition journal, this bilingual book is the result of a temporary exhibition by […]

Double Village

AAVV, Beja: Museu da Luz/ EDIA, 2014ISBN 978-972-8666-16-3 Catalog of the homonym temporary exhibition opened in 2013, it describes the process of the moving and resettlement of the community and the village of Luz through photography.Photos by Afonso Alves, António Carrapato, Benjamin Enes Pereira, Fernando Guerra, Miguel Proença, Pedro Pacheco and containing texts by António Carrapato and […]

What Do You See From That Window?- Isabel Minhós Martins, Madalena Matoso

Isabel Minhós Martins (text), Madalena Matoso (illustrations)Graphic Design by Planeta Tangerina, Beja: Museu da Luz/EDIA, 2011ISBN 978-972-8666-12-5 The book results from a commission from the Museum of Luz to publishers Planeta Tangerina and it aims at describing to children the whole community’s adventure before, during and after the reservoir was erected — their fears and […]

My village no longer lives here

Catarina Mourão, Beja: Museu da Luz/ EDIA/ Laranja Azul, 2006, 58′ “I was born beneath this water. I was 10 years old when it all happened. Some things I remember well, others are blurred and confused. People change their residence, new churches are built, new houses, new streets, but here everything changed at the same […]

Looking at Monte Alentejano on the pretext of Alqueva

AAVV, Beja: Museu da Luz/ EDIA, 2007ISBN 978-972-8666-09-5 This book engages the ‘monte alentejano’ from a variety of perspectives, bringing past and future face to face. It contains pieces by Benjamim Pereira, Victor Mestre, Filipe Themudo Barata, Pedro Pacheco, and António Carlos Silva. A glossary is included.

Light and Water: Ethnography of a Process of Change

Clara Saraiva, Beja: Museu da Luz/ EDIA, 2005ISBN 972-8666-08-X Authored by anthropologist Clara Saraiva, this book tackles the various stages in the process of relocating the population of Luz, against the backdrop of a similarly shifting Alentejo and the long-standing dream of Alqueva.