Residências ENG

Reminiscence- Collective Artistic Residency 26-29 June, 12-22 July 2017

«The participating elements are five artists from different parts of the world, two Portuguese, one Mozambican and two Italians. The group has worked both in Portugal and internationally.The group intends to focus its exploratory attention on the space of Luz, which is seen as a place of study, understanding, interpretation and representation of the flow […]

Nuno Moreira Artist Residency 21-28 August 2017

«The project to be developed with the Museu da Luz has as its starting point an assumedpassion for the flat landscape of the Guadiana and for the particular characteristics of Aldeia da Luz and the people who live here.My aim as a visual artist is to work with this landscape and appropriate it for astaged […]